Information and Interaction Design - Milestone X
A persona is simply a user archetype - whose goals and behavior patterns are well understood. Personas include attitudes, behavior patterns, goals, skills, and anything else deemed important for the specific project, with a few fictional details and a photograph to help bring the persona to life.
To watch recipe videos and shop online. He loves to buy kitchen appliances especially cookwares and electronic items online. He also likes to keep track of stocks in the kitchen.
Shopping fortnightly. Uses laptop or phone to watch recipe videos.
Inspired by Amazon
To watch recipe videos. She loves to make a list of kitchen items including groceries and appliances and track them periodically. She wants to spend less time in kitchen and more time with family.
Shopping fortnightly. Uses phone to watch recipe videos.
Fellow friends who purchases online
To access shopping data across devices. She is interested to see order status and alerts. She also expects to have at least 18" display.
Shopping monthly or in sale seasons whichever is earlier. Uses laptop or phone to watch recipe videos.
Friends who uses phones to watch recipe videos
To monitor gas status and keep track of kitchen stocks. She likes to have a call feature that has video sharing with family members. She also wants to share data between devices
Two months once shopping or during discount sales. Uses phone to watch recipe videos and tutorials.
Ease with which not only kitchen products but also the capability of supporting additional features such as call support, gas status in later stages
Using information coming from analytics or product-logs and persona motivations, lifestyle, needs, etc. Alternatively define User Roles related to the Persona.
The following is the first kind of a context scenario for a persona type who will be using the device mainly for watching video recipes, prefers a big screen and is an enthusiastic and active user.
The following is the kind of context scenario for a persona type who will be using the device mainly for watching video recipes who is a moderate user currently but excited about the possibility of using this device.
The following is the kind of context scenario for a persona type who again is a category of using the device for watching of recipes and would like for data to be shared across multiple devices possible with another mobile. She is also enthusiastic about online shopping.
The following is the kind of context scenario where the user is currently a passionate cook but is rarely a online user. The user is more of a "conventional" type in the sense a phone display is used for media viewing.